School of the

VCU School of the Arts

Agency & Production
Ost Haus

Director & Cinematographer
Alexander Kreher

Nathan Nunnelly

Post Production
Pete Szijarto

Production Assistants
Shannon Roulet
Jessica Carey
Connor Gillooly

Initially, we were hired to create a sizzle reel for VCUarts and dove into the multiple schools to capture the different facets of the programs offered. Then we dug deeper into two departments to highlight the specific curriculum and learning outcomes for prospective students.

We found the curriculum is a mixture of history, philosophy, and practice. But most importantly, the education provides an environment for experimentation and conversation, so that they begin their lives with a foundational understanding of what it means to be an Artist.

VCUarts’ sizzle reel, “Major in Amazing,”
won the CASE Circle of Excellence Award
and the Hermes Creative Platinum Award.



VCUarts Sizzle Reel

An encompassing piece that moves you through the various departments at VCUarts that captures the diversity of the practice areas. The energy is fast paced and hectic as it weaves through the different programs offered and showcases the various works of students.

Photography & Film Department

The concept was to intertwine the transitions with analog and digital equipment used by Photography & Film students.

Kinetic Imaging Department

The goal was to create a video that shows off the diverse, complex and abstract sides of the Kinetic Imaging Department.

Behind the Scenes



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